Meaning of "Landslide" by Stevie Nicks
Blog author: Shane Lambert (Stevie Nicks; Creative Commons by Matt Becker) "Landslide," as performed by Stevie Nicks/Fleetwood Mac, isn't the easiest song to figure out. However, as a starting point, I wanted to figure out what the title referred to: what is a landslide a metaphor for? To figure that out we can start with the literal: a landslide is a geological event where high-ground Earth tumbles down a cliff or slope. It's an event that is sudden: the Earth can be stable in one second and then a split second later it comes crashing downward. This sudden, surprising, and clear change is what I'll focus on in making my point about the Fleetwood Mac song. A clear theme in "Landslide" is aging. How a landslide, as a metaphor relates to aging is something that I think anyone, let's say, 35 years or older will relate to. If you've ever looked in the mirror and had a terrible moment where you felt like you looked older than you did the la...